Services | Creed Interactive Skip to main content
Creed Interactive
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500 Washington Ave S, Suite 2060

Minneapolis, MN 55415

Precision development Inclusive design Vigilant delivery

Digital strategy, design & development

Together, let’s go All In on your next project.

Our Work

Custom Development of Technology Solutions

  • Portals 
  • Websites, CMSs, Landing Pages
  • Application & API Development
  • Digital Products
  • Intranets

Web Design & User Experience

  • UX Research and Design 
  • UI & Motion Design
  • Information Architecture
  • Brand Strategy & Development

Data Management & Workflow Optimization

  • Data Modernization & Database Solutions
  • Cloud Solutions Architecture 
  • Workflow Optimization
  • CRMs
  • Data Visualizations, Reporting & Dashboards

Strategic, Digital Consultation

  • Technical Solution Planning 
  • Lead Generation
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Security & Maintenance
  • SEO & Accessibility
  • Dev Ops

Extraordinary work begins with extraordinary partners.

Creed believes in the power of tight-knit teams—both internally and with our client partners. The logos on this page are more than companies. They are colleagues, teammates, and friends.

Featured Clients

Warners' Stellian Stryker Slumberland Furniture Nagios Maxxon Minnesota Wild Delta Dental Ecolab CHS Cargill ConvergeOne Big Brothers, Big Sisters Affinity Plus

Tech Capabilities

Learn more about the technologies we work with. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact Us to discuss your needs.

Salesforce LogoDynamics 365 Logo
Dot Net LogoPHP LogoNodeJS LogoJava Logo
WordPress LogoDrupal LogoUmbraco LogoSharepoint Logo
Salesforce LogoShopify LogoWP Engine LogoNetsuite Logo
Angular LogoReact LogoBootstrap LogoSass Lang LogojQuery LogoHTML LogoCSS Logo
SQL LogoMySQL LogoElastisearch LogoOracle Logo
Azure LogoAWS LogoPantheon LogoAcquia LogoWP Engine Logo

High Impact Results. Designed. Developed. Delivered

Contact Us

Customer Acquisition

Revenue Generation

Insights & Innovation

Brand Amplification

Cost Reduction

Process Optimization

Workflow Efficiency

What services do we provide?

Creed Interactive excels in coding, web, and application development, allowing us to create complex technology products from prototypes to multi-million dollar applications. Our developers, with over 8 years of experience, build robust, user-friendly websites and applications that align with your business goals. At Creed, we combine technical expertise with exceptional design to deliver solutions that work beautifully and drive success.

Services include: Portals Websites, CMSs, Landing Pages, Application & API Development, Digital Products, Intranets

Creed believes in accessible, inclusive, and user-centered design. Our team of experienced digital designers and UX researchers partner with you to truly understand your objectives, audiences, and established brand standards so that we can translate them into functional and delightful custom digital solutions. Check out our Design capabilities or our UX and Discovery capabilities.

Services include: UX Research, Digital Design, User-Interface (UI) Design, Motion Design, Information Architecture, Brand Strategy & Development

Creed knows that reliable, consumable, and accessible data are key to making not only informed business decisions, but often strength businesses to be more effective and efficient. Our team of experts can not only help discover ways to improve disparate data sources, but can provide easy to use interfaces that makes data not only consumable, but actionable, and dare we say… even delightful!

Services include: Data Modernization, Database Solutions, Cloud Solutions, Architecture, Workflow Optimization, CRMs, Data Visualizations, Reporting & Dashboards

Creed Interactive has partnered with clients at various stages of their digital journey, from mature companies with SAFe practices to smaller organizations seeking direction. Our expert team provides the guidance and tools needed for success. We often start with a Discovery phase to align on your business goals, project objectives, timelines, and budget.

Services include: Technical Solution Planning, Lead Generation, Conversion Optimization, Security & Maintenance, SEO, Accessibility, and DevOps

Additional info about our sevices

Creed is technology agnostic; we do not shoehorn a default technology into a solution. Our work is a product of a team culture–not a competition culture–that works as a tight-knit group to advance one another’s thinking for the best of the project. Our work is fueled by continual training; it’s visionary, looking around corners to be more future-proof. Always user-centric, our digital products are designed to be engaging and inclusive. Finally, it is vigilantly planned and delivered on time and on budget.

Custom Development: .NET, php, nodeJS, Java

Front End Development: Angular, React, Bootstrap, Sass, jQuery, HTML5, CSS

Content Management Solutions: WordPress, Drupal, Umbraco, SharePoint

Ecommerce: Salesforce, Shopify, WP engine, Netsuite

Databases: SQLServer, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Oracle

Cloud Services: Azure, AWS, Pantheon, Acquia, WP Engine

At Creed, we immerse ourselves in client relationships as deeply as we do in coding. We offer flexible tech solutions, adapting to your needs: as your full-service digital leader, an embedded partner working within your team, or a blend of both. Experience our “Tech that Flex” approach, providing end-to-end digital leadership throughout your project.

At the start of a project, our business development leader and experts discuss your goals, functionalities, timeline, and budget. We then provide an estimate and create a Statement of Work. After agreement, we host a formal kickoff where you’ll meet your Project Manager, who ensures the project stays on track, on time, and on budget. Depending on your needs, we bring in specialists in UX research, digital design, development, information architecture, quality assurance, and more to ensure your project’s success.

We understand that taking on a digital project can sometimes feel daunting, intimidating, and even a bit scary. Accordingly, we take our roles as trusted advisors very seriously to help make the process–or even simply the roadmap–a project success! If you have a project in mind but are not quite sure where to start, we’d love to talk to you. Often in a brief call we can identify a few of the basic elements of your project and start working toward insights that will help us create a high level project plan and estimate so that you can feel informed about your options. We will also happily work to prioritize project plan elements to meet timeline, functionality, or budget sensitivities. Have a project in mind? Contact us at

You bet! While we love to make beautiful and functional websites, we specialize in a variety of digital products including portals, intranets, applications, CRMs, maintenance and support services, digital design, user experience (UX) research and design, user interface (UI) design, motion animations, and digital consultation.

Creed specializes in digital design, User Experience (UX) research and design, and User Interface (UI) design. We can also provide branding services including logo design, brand identity to include typography, color pallet, and beyond. Creed can also provide motion graphics and animations for websites.

Yes! We help clients tackle common challenges like customer acquisition, revenue generation, brand amplification, cost reduction, process optimization, and workflow efficiency. Additionally, we drive improved insights and innovation.

Our expertise extends to conducting UX and technical audits, providing valuable research and insights to enhance your user experience.

We believe that everyone has a right to utilize digital experiences, and accordingly, accessibility is a part of all of our digital products and services. Accordingly, we ensure WCAG best practices are implemented into our digital designs and development.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing digital content to increase visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. SEO helps drive increased visibility, improved credibility, higher traffic, better user experience, and competitive advantage. While we certainly can offer various levels of SEO optimization services based on our client’s unique needs, we work to ensure that our websites include standard SEO best practices. We build mobile optimized websites so that no matter what device your user is on, they can browse your website.

Absolutely! Creed provides maintenance plans that offer ongoing support, platform updates, bug fixes, and beyond. We’d love to be your partners in maintaining a safe, secure and healthy website.

While we are happy to provide copywriting services–including bringing in technical writers to assist with more complex content–we believe you know your content and your audiences better than anyone else. Accordingly, while we have solutions to make content migration an easier task, we always recommend that our clients review their content for positioning, key messaging, and continuity–and we will make recommendations on the ways to create the most effective hierarchy of messaging, ways to display content, and the most SEO-effective storytelling.

Yes, Creed has had extensive experience working with a variety of clients in healthcare, financial services, and e-commerce that require us to meet a variety of compliance standards around HIPAA, protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), and financial information. For example, we’ve worked on portals that connect this information to end users (such as creating a patient portal or financial dashboard), to also processing payments for e-commerce clients.

Yes, Creed has created modern data solutions for a number of clients–including standing up databases, creating APIs to leverage data currently not connected to solutions, and many user interfaces or dashboards that sit on top of these data solutions. We can also assist with reporting.

Yes, we’ve done this for many clients and would be happy to help develop APIs for your organization.

Creed’s expertise is creating technology that works beautifully–this is by building technology that drives your business goals and objectives. When we create our digital products we keep conversion goals, user journeys, functionality, accessibility, and inclusive design in mind and we will deploy best practices within your digital build–including SEO, accessibility, social integrations, etc. That said, if you are looking specifically for digital media buying and campaign management, we would be happy to refer you to one of our preferred partners that specializes more deeply in these areas.